Guideline Fario Elite WF Fliegenschnüre Auslaufprodukt zum Sonderpreis, nur solange unser Vorrat reicht!

Guideline Fario Elite WF Fliegenschnüre Schwimmen

Auslaufprodukt zum Sonderpreis, nur solange unser Vorrat reicht!
Diese Fliegenschnüre verbinden das Beste aus zwei Welten und sind der wahre Allrounder unter den Guideline Fario-Schnüren. Mit einem konischen Keulenprofil und einer relativ langen Verjüngung von 5,5 m sowie einer gesamten Kopflänge von 10,1 bis 10,6 m (je nach Schnurklasse) ist die Fario Elite eine hervorragende Allround-Fliegenschnur und lässt Überkopfwürfe wie Rollwürfe einfach gelingen. Balance und Genauigkeit sorgen für exakte Präsentationen in Mittel- und Langstreckenbereich und ermöglichen das Angeln mit Trockenfliegen, Nymphen und kleineren Streamer ohne große Mühe.

  • WF Keulenschnur Schwimmend
  • Beidseitig mit Schlaufen versehen
  • Laser-ID-Markierung an der Schnurspitze.
  • Farbe: Graugrün mit einer blass-orangen Runningline.
  • Umweltfreundliche Polyurethanbeschichtung anstelle von PVC
  • Ohne schädliche Weichmacher (Phthalate)
  • Fliegenschnur-Auswahl: WF3F bis WF7F

Fario Elite suits anglers of all levels seeking the most versatile combination of different types of casts, lengths and fishing spots. It is the ultimate multi purpose fly line for the dedicated trout angler.
This line merges the best of two worlds and is the true all-rounder in the Fario line series. With a taper profile similar to our Fario Tactical line, but with an extended head length of 10,1 in WF 3 & 4 to 10,6 m in WF 5-7, it fits right in between that line and the longer head on our Fario Distance line and lets you aerialize more line than with the Fario Tactical. This makes it a superb allround tool. It performs excellently with all kinds of water born casts and in addition, it has brilliant balance and accuracy for exact presentations in mid- to long-range situations. Fario Elite suits anglers of all levels seeking the most versatile combination of; Different types of casts, lengths and fishing spots. These lines handle fishing with dry flies, nymphs and smaller streamers with ease.

Fario Elite has a relatively long front taper of 5,5 meters (18ft) which provides a smooth transition of power and speed from the belly, throughout the tip and into the leader. An important property for fly lines targeting fishing that demands light- and precise presentations to shy fish. The belly and the main weight is concentrated towards the back, close to the rod to ensure flawless spey casting properties. The back taper is 1,5m (5ft) and makes the line stable and rigid in the air. The back taper transforms into a comfortable 3,0 meter long ”handling line” before the thinner running line kicks in. The handling line is a slightly thicker part of the running line which makes your loops a bit more rigid and also adds flexibility to how much line you can manage in the air when your whole head length is outside the rod tip. It also adds strength to the most vulnerable part of the line that takes a lot of strain when you are double hauling. It is looped in both ends and has a laser ID marking on the front-end loop sleeve. 

The color is Grayish Green with a Pale Orange handling- and running line. Total length of the line varies between 25 m/82 feet in WF 3 & 4 to 29 meters/95 feet in WF 5-7.

TLT (Triple Layer Technology) & Direct Contact Core
Complex, multiple density and hardness in the coatings of these lines help to shape the flylines of the future. A new, revolutionary chemical formula and three different coating materials control hardness as well as memory and density in various parts of the lines. This creates better casting performance, more efficient fishing and bite detection, as well as added durability. TLT has given us the chance to build lines that float well and repel water better and more effectively than any lines we’ve produced before. Built on braided multifilament Direct Contact Core with only 6% stretch.

Our eco vision is Clean All the Way, which means the least environmental impact possible. This fly line has a Polyurethane coating instead of PVC that bleeds harmful plasticizers (Phthalates) into the water. Our boxes are made from recycled paper with water-based UV coatings and we have removed all plastic spools from the packaging. The result is that we can offer you the “cleanest” and most eco-friendly fly line on


  • Auswahl :: WF 3 F
  • Auswahl :: WF 4 F


Unser bisheriger Preis 109,90 EUR
Jetzt nur 69,00 EUR
Sie sparen 37 % /40,90 EUR

inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Guideline Fario Elite WF Fliegenschnüre Auslaufprodukt zum Sonderpreis, nur solange unser Vorrat reicht!

Guideline Fario Elite WF Fliegenschnüre Auslaufprodukt zum Sonderpreis, nur solange unser Vorrat reicht!