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Scott Sector Salzwasser-Fliegenruten

Scott Sector Salzwasser-Fliegenruten
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1.199,00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
In dieser Ausführung:

In den Warenkorb
Lieferzeit: 3-7 Tage
Hersteller: Scott High Performance Fly Rod


Scott Sector Salzwasser-Fliegenruten der Extra-Klasse

Scott Fly Rod Company stellt die brandneue Sector-Serie von handgefertigten Hochleistungsruten für das Salzwasserfliegenfischen vor.
Die Sector-Fliegenruten erweitern die preisgekrönte Meridian-Serie von Scott, um Ihnen ein neues Maß an Leistung und Zuverlässigkeit bei Fliegenruten für Salzwasser zu bieten. Scott kombinierte alle bewährten Technologien in Meridian-Ruten mit neuen Komponenten und der brandneuen Carbon Web-Technologie. Scott Carbon Web erhöht die Torsionsstabilität und Haltbarkeit, in dem unidirektionale Fasern in ein Gewebe aus ultraleichten, multidirektionalen Carbonfasern eingebettet werden. Diese Fasern helfen, Torsionskräften entgegenzuwirken, wodurch Sie eine bessere Verfolgung und positive Schwingungsdämpfung für die Umlenkung von Würfen erhalten. Sie tragen auch dazu bei, die Ausbreitung von Mikrofrakturen aufgrund von Belastungen und Stößen zu verringern, die in unidirektionalen Schichten leicht ablaufen und zum Ausfall führen können. Sektorruten sind mit neu gestalteten Komponenten ausgestattet, die rauen Salzwasserumgebungen trotzen: Sie verfügen über die neuen Ceracoil-Ringeinlagen mit Nickel-Titan-Rahmen, hochglanzpolierten Zirkonia-Einsätzen sowie Recoil-Nickel-Titan-Schlangenführungen.  Das macht die Ringe korrosionsfrei und langlebig. Der Rollenhalter ist aus Flugzeugaluminium gefräst und verfügt über selbstschaltende Schiebehauben, eine extra tiefe Rändelung zum einfachen Drehen von Sicherungsringen mit nassen Händen, einen harten Mantel (Typ 3, Mil-Spec) in nicht reflektierendem Schwarz und Strichstärkegravuren für eine schnelle Rute Identifizierung in Bootsständern. Korkgriffe in Flor-Qualität werden in einer dem Salzwasser entsprechenden Länge und einem entsprechenden Durchmesser in die modifizierte Form von Scott gebracht. Die neuen Fighting Butts verfügen über ein dickes, weicheres Gummi für mehr Komfort in harten Kämpfen.

Ausstattungs-Details der Scott Sector Salzwasser-Fliegenruten:

  • Handgefertigte Salzwasserfliegenrute der absoluten Spitzenklasse
  • Ultra schnelle Fliegenruten mit hoher Rückstellgeschwindigkeit und dennoch mit gefühlvolle Aktion
  • ReAct Technology:  Minimierung von Vibrationenfür ein fantastisches Wurfgefühl
  • Ungeschliffener Carbon-Blank mit Carbon Web Technology: Maximale Stabilität für extremste Belastungen 
  • Full-Wells Griff aus Premium-Kork und Fighting Butt und Gummi-Kappe
  • Recoil Nickel-Titanium-Schlangenringe für beste Schusseigenschaften der Fliegenschnur
  • Beringung mit PVD-Beschichtung  für extreme Haltbarkeit
  • Gefräster eloxierter Rollenhalter in Mattschwarz - absolut Salzwassertauglich
  • Gut sichtbare Eingravierung der Schnurklasse auf dem Rollenhalter
  • Hochwertiges Scott-Rutenrohr aus Aluminium
  • Handgefertigt in den USA

Mit Scott Sector Salzwasser-Fliegenruten wirst Du rekordverdächtige Weiten erzielen und bist für den Drill der ganz Großen im Salzwasser bestens aufgestellt. Da sind wir uns ganz sicher!

Scott Sector

Scott Fly Rod Company introduces the all new Sector series of high performance, hand crafted saltwater fly rods.
Sector rods advance on Scott’s award-winning Meridian series to bring you a new level of performance and reliability in saltwater fly rods.
Scott combined all the proven technologies in Meridian rods with new tapers, new components and their all new Carbon Web technology.
Scott Carbon Web increases torsional stability and durability by encasing unidirectional fibers in a web of ultra-light multi-directional carbon fiber.
These fibers help counteract torsional forces giving you better tracking and positive long ling pickups for redirecting casts. They also help to reduce the propagation of micro fractures from stress and impact that can easily run in unidirectional layups and lead to failure.
Sector rods are fit with newly designed components that defy harsh saltwater environments:
They feature all new Ceracoil stripping guides with nickel titanium frames and highly polished Zirconia inserts along with Recoil nickel titanium snake guides for low friction and corrosion free performance. The guide sets are PVD coated in a low reflective coating for even greater durability and stealth.
The reel seat is milled from aircraft grade aluminum, featuring self-indexing slide hoods, extra deep knurling to easily turn lock rings with wet hands, type 3 mil-spec hard coat in non-reflective flat black, and line weight engravings for quick rod identification in boat racks.
Flor grade cork grips are turned to Scott’s modified wells shape in a saltwater appropriate length and diameter, and the new fighting butts feature a thick softer rubber for greater comfort in tough fights.
The ocean side tarpon slayer. If you’re targeting tarpon in crystal clear shallow water with long leaders and small flies, this is the tool to deliver the goods. With plenty of power to beat powerful fish, but enough touch to lay the line down gently.
This is also the rooster, albie, jack and striper rod of choice. Planning a heaving day off Montauk, some quality beach time in Baja, a few days West of Key West, or a trip off of Jupiter? Be sure to have this rod in hand.
Enhanced feel, incredible stability and unequalled performance. X-Core combines the industry’s leading composite technologies with cutting edge design. 
Diameter is proportional to stiffness and strength, and X-Core, or Expanded Core, technology delivers blanks that transmit feel and maintain stability better than any other design approach. 
We use fast taper mandrels with low-mass, thin-walled blanks and proprietary ARC reinforcement to create rods that have stiffness with feel, and stability with sensitivity.
This design helps the rod come alive in your hands. It’s a superior approach to the slow taper, thick walled designs that deliver stiffness at the expense of feel.
ReAct technology combines our X-Core design with a new complex materials and taper system to create a break-through in fast action rod design. Distance, control and accuracy are compromised by waves that vibrate in the rod, even after the cast has been made. Simply making the rod stiffer to stop these vibrations kills feel. ReAct counteracts energy sapping vibrations by speeding the recovery of the blank without the need to stiffen the rod with more material. This puts the feel in fast. And that’s a really good thing.
Natural Finish
Walk down a rod rack at your local fly shop and you'll notice something different about Scott rods. Like everything we do, the Scott Natural Finish is all about making your rod lighter, more durable, and better performing.
Most other rods on the shelf are run through a belt sander, tearing away the outside power fibers of the blank and introducing variance. Inadvertent flatspotting during the sanding process will weaken a blank, and blanks are designed with a margin of error to accommodate for oversanding. After the blank is sanded, a glossy paint is applied to add shelf appeal.
Natural finish blanks aren't subjected to the rip through the sanding belt, nor are they covered with heavy paint to add pop in your fly shop. We're firm believers in the natural beauty of graphite. A natural finish blank is built to exacting tolerances. Scott's advanced resin systems permeate the blank, leaving a durable finish that will stand up to years of abuse.
Multi Modulus
Fine-tuned flex and recovery. Scott pioneered the use of multi modulus fiber lay ups in blank design. By varying the fiber tensile modulus along the length of the rod, we’re able to precisely control the stiffness and recovery speed of our blanks.
The result is a rod that loads and unloads more smoothly.
Made in USA
Every Scott rod is made from beginning to end in Montrose, Colorado.
We take our mission to handcraft high performance rods very seriously. We use the knowledge gained from forty years of design experience with our commitment to handcraft every fly rod we make to give you top performance and benchmark quality. It's in all the little details that exceptional rods are distinguished from merely good rods.
Fiberfuse Resin
Our all new FiberFuse enhanced resin system uses new chemistry to create bonds between each graphite fiber that are over 20% stronger than conventional epoxy resins.
Advanced Reinforced Carbon reduces torque and increases strength.
Scott is the leader in carbon blank reinforcements. Our latest ARC technology adds hoop strength to our blanks without adding weight, and counteracts torque that can reduce casting accuracy and line control.
Ceracoil stripping guides combine nickel titanium ‘shape memory’ frames with super slick, high-tech Zirconia inserts for a new patent pending guide that will never corrode, will return to its original shape if bent, and has the lowest coefficient of friction for better line shooting.
And just to go completely over the top, our Ceracoil guides are PVD coated in a low reflective black finish. The Physical Vapor Deposition process creates a tougher smoother finish than traditional plated finishes.
Carbon Web
Scott’s all new Carbon Web technology increases torsional stability and rod durability by encasing the unidirectional fibers in a web of ultra-light multi-directional carbon fiber.
These fibers help counteract torsional forces giving you better tracking and positive long line pickups for redirecting casts.They also help to reduce the propagation of micro fractures from stress or impact that can easily run in unidirectional layups and lead to failure.
Combining Carbon Web with Scott’s ARC and multi-modulus lay-ups, creates the newest ground- breaking advancement in fly rod technology. And if you just want a quick translation of all this tech-it simply means higher performance, easier fishing, and more fun for you.

Dieses Produkt ist z.B. kompatibel zu:

Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage
ab 699,00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Diesen Artikel haben wir am 23.03.2017 in unseren Katalog aufgenommen.

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Scott High Performance Fly Rod