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Guideline Coastal Evolve WF Fliegenschnur Fast-Intermediate Sonderpreis da im Ausverkauf, solange unser Vorrat reicht!

Guideline Coastal Evolve WF Fliegenschnur  Fast-Intermediate   Sonderpreis da im Ausverkauf, solange unser Vorrat reicht!
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Unser bisheriger Preis 109,90 EUR Jetzt nur 69,00 EUR Sie sparen 37% / 40,90 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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Guideline Coastal Evolve WF Fliegenschnur  Fast-Intermediate 
Sonderpreis da im Ausverkauf, solange unser Vorrat reicht!

Wind und Wellen beim Meerforellenfischen - genau das richtige Wetter um dem Silber der Ostsee erfolgreich nachzustellen.

Nun die Neuauflage der legendären Coastal in überarbeiteter Form.
Guideline hat dafür die Power-Küsten-Keule der Coastal optimiert. Diese wurde um 10cm auf 9,8m verkürzt und es wurden 0,5g mehr Masse im Front-Teil verbaut. Der Farb-Kontrast zwischen Keule und Running-Line wurde erhöht. Somit hast Du noch mehr Schnur-Power gegen den Wind und beim Abschießen noch bessere optische Kontrolle.  Die Schnur hat jetzt nur 5% Dehnung, liegt schnurgerade unter der Wasseroberfläche, Du hast direkten Kontakt zur Fliege, eine optimale Bißerkennung und hakst die Fische viel besser!!!  Somit wirst Du mit der Guideline Coastal Evolve LC auch die großen vorsichtigen Exemplare überlisten.
Selbstverständlich kanns Du mit dieser Spezialsalzwasserfliegenschnur auch Makrelen, Dorsche und Wolfsbarsche erfolgreich befischen und die Wurfeigenschaften sind einfach sensationel!
Hier die wesentlichsten Schnurmerkmale im Überblick:
  • WF Keulenschnur in den Schnurklassen #5 - #9 mit einer Gesamtlänge von 32m
  • Optimierte Keulenlänge ca. 9,80m mit mehr Masse im Front-Teil
  • Erhöhter Farb-Kontrast zwischen Keule (Floating: Creme, Slow Interm.: Mint Grün, Fast Interm.: Dunkel Grün) und Floating-Running-Line (Orange)
  • Beidseitige geschweißte Schlaufen
  • Sinkrate: Fast Intermediate: 3.80cm / Sek.
Line Weigth Head Length Head Weight Total Length
#5 9,80 m / 30 ft 13,5g / 208 grains 32 m / 35 yds
#6 9,80 m / 30 ft 15,5g / 239 grains 32 m / 35 yds
#7 9,80 m / 30 ft 17,5g / 270 grains 32 m / 35 yds
#8 9,80 m / 30 ft 19,5g / 300 grains 32 m / 35 yds
#9 9,80 m / 30 ft 21,5g / 330 grains 32 m / 35 yds


Coastal Evolve WF

Float - Slow Int. & Fast Int.

Coastal has for many years been the reference line for coastal fly anglers around Europe. Coating specially adapted for fishing during the cooler part of the season. Taper and design gives long casts and are optimized to turn over well even in windy conditions.


Our brand new Coastal Evolve WF fly line has an optimized taper with slightly more mass in the front part to effortless turn over the fly in harsh coastal conditions. We have designed the line for sea run brown trout, sea bass, mullet and other coastal species that live in shallow water and require long, careful and precise presentations regardless of the weather conditions. Coastal Evolve has an improved and somewhat thinner shooting line to give less friction in the guides and thereby longer casts in difficult conditions. The color of Coastal Slow Intermediate's head is Ice Green, while the head of Fast Intermediate is a slightly darker Sea Green. The shooting line is a clearly visible Sunrise Yellow that makes it easy to recognize where the taper of the head ends and the shooting line starts.


The head weight in the table is at 9.8m, which is the bulk of the head and what is required to cast effortlessly and effectively. The back taper has the same color as the shooting line and is 4m long with a smooth taper that ensures very good stability when you want to cast really far. When casting the new Coastal Evolve, it feels like Coastal in weight, but it has more stability and power in the roll over due to slightly more compact taper in the front of the head. This feature is an important improvement to both casting and presentation in wind with increased stability and a roll-over that is far less sensitive to wind. Back taper / handling line was also excluded in the head weight on the first generation Coastal. Total length is 32 meters.



The coating is the same memory-free, smooth and durable type that many recognize from the previous version of the Coastal. The line has a Direct Contact core with only 5% stretch, which means that you have excellent contact with the fly and feel the slightest pull and bump from the fish. Because Coastal fishes just below the surface, it creates a straight line between your hand and the fly and a turbulent surface do not affect the contact. PVC-free coating without softener and a durability in a class of its own makes the Coastal a good environmental choice. Factory welded loops in the front and back make it easy to place a drawer and connect the cable to the reversing via loop system.

Slow Intermediate has a sink rate of 1.25cm / second. The discrete color of the head together with the density means that the line stays just below the surface and does not create shadows and wakes on the surface. This makes it the perfect weapon for spooky fish in shallow water.
Fast Intermediate has a sink rate of 3.8cm / sec and thus goes down somewhat deeper. It´s a great choice when you want to fish off edges and deeper parts, or when you fish wants a high speed fly. Float will do the job in shallow waters, during slow retrieves or when fish are feeding on or just below the surface. Because of the powerful turnover without being “splashy”, this line is a super choice for stillwater fishing as well, especially when you fish streamers or larger nymphs.


Despite its name, we also want to highlight the Coastal as a super-fine alternative for the fisherman who chases rainbow trout and trout in still water. As on the coast, you often come across windy days that require you cast into a stiff headwind, and it is striking often that the wind drives food on the wind side and that is where you find the fish. To fish a nymph or streamer just below the surface is often very effective, and when the line goes down just below the turbulent surface it gives good contact with the fly.


  • Thinner shooting line for long, frictionless cast.
  • Optimized taper with more mass in the front.
  • Sharper color difference between the shooting line and the head.
  • Factory welded loops in front and back.
  • Direct Contact core with only 5% stretch.
  • Environmentally friendly PVC-free coating without softener.
  • Optimal wear resistance with no-crack coating.

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